Forge your very own Japanese kogatana (small blade) with an artisan swordsmith. Learn about the traditional blade-forging process, which uses the same materials and techniques as a full-size katana. At the end of the experience, take the beautiful product of your creation home with you.Meet your friendly and knowledgeable swordsmith at the forge, and begin your hands-on smithing lesson. Begin to work away at transforming raw metal into a delicate instrument of your design as the expert swordsmith guides the process with a steady hand.Pick up a wealth of knowledge on the traditional craft, including the precise nature of the materials and how the process scales up when producing a full-sized Japanese sword. In between sweaty forging sessions, marvel at the natural beauty of the Kameoka region, which has served as a filming site for many Japanese films. At the end of your artisan crafting session, take home your very own kogatana to cherish forever.


창칼 제작 체험 구슬 스틸 계획

교토의 교외, 가메 오카시에있는 교토 유일한 도공 장인 (전국에서 약 300 명의 단)의지도 아래, 일상 사용 가능한 창칼 (칼)을 직접 제작합니다. 정중하고 명확한지도하에 전통적인 일본도 제작과 같은 순서로 철강 (금속)을...
Masahiro Tantoujou Sword Forge
Ishishiki-32-1 Honmechō Nishikaya, Kameoka-shi, Kyōto-fu 621-0255, Japan