
I want to fulfill customer requests as much as possible

“Tsukushima Co., Ltd.” is producing molds for plastic molding. A factory that has excellent technology and supports Japan today. This time we asked Mr. Tsushima about his thoughts on the client. -There are many repeat customers ... Tachibana-san-Thankfully, most of them are repeat customers. Since molds are never cheap, you say you want to ask a reliable factory. What's even better is that you can come to us with an introduction from an existing customer. The fact that you are introduced is that you trust me that much. -What is the reason for your trust? I think that the service is thorough, such as quickly responding to troubles. Furthermore, as a company, we are doing business with the desire to fulfill customer requests as much as possible. For example, I've received a request from Fudevaba before. If it is normal, it is not molded by the test and delivered to the customer, but if it is a factory in China with which we are affiliated, we can test and send a sample product. And a customer asked me to have 100 samples. Although it is usually a difficult request, we requested a partner factory because we wanted to fulfill our customers' requests. Then, I was able to ship it that day, and I was able to deliver the sample to the customer two days after the request. In this way, it may be a little bit, but it is not because customers are happy because they have accumulated a lot of thoughts that they were happy to ask Tsushima. Is not it. I will continue to remember that policy in the future. -Thank you very much! -Editor's postscript This time, Mr. Tachibana was the representative. I am very grateful for the kindness of my amateur who handled me. I want to ask a factory that thinks about customers like this! I feel that. It was a time when I felt a straightforward feeling toward the customers.